Category: Articles

The Benefits of a Digital Workplace

The Benefits of a Digital Workplace The world is now a digital place. The tech revolution means your workplace also needs to be digital.  Our leisure time is now dominated...

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Fight with a virus at daily bases in less time spent

Fight with a virus at daily bases in less time spent WHO and NHS provided dozens of information on how to tackle the virus, at home or working place. Putting...

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Cutting Angles Virus Could Spread Through Daily Communication

Cutting Angles Virus Could Spread Through Daily Communication HR Kit clients come from areas of business where one-on-one engagement with customers and especially coworkers is a must. Some of the...

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Questions to Ask Your Staff

Questions to Ask Your Staff If you are building a digital employee experience (DEX) it needs to work for all staff.  Your workforce’s thoughts and opinions about their experiences are...

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How To Create A Positive Digital Employee Experience

How To Create A Positive Digital Employee Experience All business people want to improve the experience of their customers and users.  This is because these people give your enterprise its...

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Covid-19 Impact On Manufacturers

Covid-19 Impact On Manufacturers In the last two months, we’re witnesses how Covid-19 structured the world we live in. While the world went into closure and sudden hibernation-like state, manufacturers...

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Elon Musk Owes His Success to This Accelerated Learning Process Used by Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla

Elon Musk Owes His Success to This Accelerated Learning Process Used by Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla By the age of 46, the man has built three multibillion-dollar companies, and...

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The “Two Weeks’ Notice” to changing jobs is no good

[vc_row][vc_column icons_position=”left”][vc_column_text]There’s a much-touted refrain that employees leave managers, not companies. While that sentiment certainly holds truth, today’s reality is that job-hopping, even career-hopping, has become the norm for a...

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How Do You Know If You Work for a Toxic Manager? They Will Do Any of These 8 Things Daily

One study finds that 50 percent of employees leave their job to get away from their manager By Marcel Schwantes, Founder and Chief Human Officer, Leadership From the Core@MarcelSchwantes Randstad...

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HR KIT®: Ένα ελληνικό Business Social Media. Οι συνιδρυτές του μιλούν για όλα στο It’s Possible

Πέρασαν από εταιρείες τεχνολογίας, εταιρείες τηλεπικοινωνίας, εκδοτικούς οίκους, και διαφημιστικές. Αλλά από το 2014 και μετά αποφάσισαν να ξεκινήσουν την δική τους εταιρεία. Οι Γιώργος Παντούλας και Ηλίας Λέτσιος είναι...

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