Cutting Angles Virus Could Spread Through

Cutting Angles Virus Could Spread Through Daily Communication

HR Kit clients come from areas of business where one-on-one engagement with customers and especially coworkers is a must.

Some of the businesses we’ve operating with are:

  • Insurances
  • Logistics
  • Transport
  • Healthcare;
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Construction
  • Public Sector
  • Non-Profit

To avoid the Italian scenario among the workforce, where 25-30% were infected in the Retail and Healthcare sector, here at HR Kit we designed App to support communica-tion flow without close counter between coworkers.

Fight with a virus at daily bases in less time spent

WHO and NHS provided dozens of information on how to tackle the virus, at home or working place.

Putting together stressful time developed by the virus outbreak, implementation of new processes of production, and couching your workforce new standards and procedures HR Kit recon struggle to implement and follow instructions health organizations.

We developed push-notifications about health standards and procedures an organization should standardize within the working area.

Thus your focus will solely stay on productivity while we’ll keep the workforce well in-formed and aware of potential threats virus can cause.

Modified to your sector, notifications are distributed to each employee on personal mobile phones.

Prerequisite to run smoothly essential operation during outbreak

UK government measures left dozens of big businesses closed due to social distancing and restrictions in public spaces. But the importance for society some industries hold left them open for business 24/7 with overwhelming demands.

Many of those do not have the luxury of working from homes, like factories or retail.

Following the advice given by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development to alter shifts plan, to reduce the close counter of staff at the working area. Also, providing de-tailed, fast re-training for workers who showed the ability to adapt new skills. Considering those who stayed on-duty would need all help and support from superiors and desk-work-ers, HR Kit developed diverse forms to support management and employees.

Anxious as a consequence and how to reduce it

Uncertain future Covid-19 creates, left staff feel insecure. Fearing for their career, own se-curity, and especially for the sake of their families.

One thing companies could do to comfort their employees, according to the survey conducted by People Management, and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is transparency. 95% out of 100% participant in the survey stated on-time and transparent key information communicated between staff and management are crucial in trustworthy leadership during this turbulent time.

HR Kit gives our clients an option to monitor and stay on the line with their staff through-two ways messaging, or video call for best communication within the collective. This way company shows to staff not only willing to help but also to take a more personal approach to the situation they might experience, professionally or privately.

HR Kit at your service

Coronavirus medically showed her unpredictability. But besides health concerns, HR Kit understands the situation of an uncertain future in industry and economy. Although not much can be done to predict where the world will go next period, here at HR Kit we’ll provide support to companies and organizations to counterattack all future challenges. And we’ll do it in any way possible with close communication with our clients.

If you are a manufacturer, organization, or retailer who’s struck by new overwhelming challenges, the best thing you can do is to contact one of our representatives. We will shortlist you, or your organization ASAP to our Staff Connect product demonstration.

HR KIT for a better, more happy workplace

People don’t need just an app. They need understanding and employers with vision. Our approach is employee-driven. We dreamt and delivered a platform with a promise to give employees what they need to engage in their work and their colleagues and drive results for the company and society.


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