HR KIT is fundraising! Read our

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HR KIT is fundraising! Read our story

Me and my partner have changed more than 25 jobs before becoming entrepreneurs. We worked for many companies but never felt we are part of their future.


85% of employees don’t like their job while HR departments are limited in doing administration instead of development.

Our solution is HR Kit.

With HR Kit human resources have the power to create employee engagement by opening a two-way communication channel, using just their mobile phone.

It is built as a social network with integrated tools, such as 360 feedback, task management and many more.

Our vision is to see companies create a healthier working environment.

Our clients include IKEA and Intersport branches in 5 countries.

#disengagement #hrkit #employeeengagement #sanfransisco #hrtech #companyculture #hr #humanresources #companyculture #engagement #sgglobal #siliconvalley

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What is HR KIT

HR KIT is a mobile employee engagement solution you can fit in your pocket. HR KIT can help your employees to feel part of something greater, increase their overall engagement in their work and feel proud to be a part of your company


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