What are the Five Internal Communication

There are still enormous amounts of growth in the communications industry, particularly the rise of mobile interaction. The five trends are:

1. Internal Communicators are Strategic Advisors

Leaders have realized that the voice of workers is often missing from communications about strategy. The Internal communications lead can represent employees. Improving employee experience means there must be a strategic partnership between the Human Resources department and Comms. Leaders who recognize that the internal communicator has a vital function rather than just a support role improve the worker experience.

2.The Shift to Data-Driven Cultures

Strategic communicators are successful when they can measure their impact and share their results effectively. Leaders need to know the impact, reach, and sentiment. Measuring results include why you are using the current communication channels and what their impact is. You need to understand what workers are reading, sharing, and discussing. Awareness of internal communication activities and their effect on the business is vital.

If you have data, you can adjust your strategy and accomplish your goals. An example would be that only 48% of workers in a plant read the new Health and Safety Policy. The information allows you to react speedily and complete your goals.  Holding line manager briefing sessions means everyone is aware of the significance of the update. Having the statistics to hand helps to increase the compliance and effectiveness of company messages.

3. Investment in Digital Channels

A challenge is that much internal technology is not fit for purpose. Employees are now expecting companies to bridge the gap between work tools and the tech they use at home (Gatehouse). Nobody accepts poor user design or slow enterprise-grade devices anymore. Employees will tend to use external solutions that are not secure. Lack of security can lead to data breaches that no organization wants.

Another problem is the sheer volume of information that makes it hard to cut through the noise. One solution is segmentation. Channels can provide targeted information based on data that matters to the company.

4. Commitment to Improving Line-Manager Communication

Weak line-manager communication skills are still an enormous barrier to the prosperity of a business. Managers are crucial in bringing about change. Often they are not fully engaged and do not have sufficient training, tools, and resources. Manager training needs to run regularly in every company. Conflict resolution, performance management, and communication training are essential parts of such training.

5. Reach Deskless Employees

Reaching all employees within an organization remains a significant challenge. Sometimes, leaders are worried about alienating desk-based workers. It is necessary to realize that not every channel can reach everyone.

It is essential to adopt a channel matrix mindset, which means that there are no gaps in the business communication strategy. Reaching deskless employees involves enhancing line-manager communication skills and improving digital channels.

What is HR KIT

HR KIT is a mobile employee engagement solution you can fit in your pocket. HR KIT can help your employees to feel part of something greater, increase their overall engagement in their work and feel proud to be a part of your company

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